Unveiling the reproduction number scaling in characterizing social contagion coverage

Xiangrong Wang, Hongru Hou, Dan Lu, Zongze Wu, Yamir Moreno

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Volume 185, August 2024, 115119

The spreading of diseases depends critically on the reproduction number, which gives the expected number of new cases produced by infectious individuals during their lifetime. Here we reveal a widespread power-law scaling relationship between the variance and the mean of the reproduction number across simple and complex contagion mechanisms on various network structures. This scaling relation is verified on an empirical scientific collaboration network and analytically studied using generating functions. Specifically, we explore the impact of the scaling law of the reproduction number on the expected size of cascades of contagions. We find that the mean cascade size can be inferred from the mean reproduction number, albeit with limitations in capturing spreading variations. Nonetheless, insights derived from the tail of the distribution of the reproduction number contribute to explaining cascade size variation and allow the distinction between simple and complex contagion mechanisms. Our study sheds light on the intricate dynamics of spreading processes and cascade sizes in social networks, offering valuable insights for managing contagion outbreaks and optimizing responses to emerging threats.

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